We care about our footprint
As a responsible business, we take our impact on the environment seriously. From decisions in the boardroom, to individual actions and choices, we are making changes.
We want to do business with organisations that share our values and whose attitude to sustainability and the environment aligns with ours.
Our procurement process places an emphasis on the environmental policies and approaches of our suppliers, these are regularly reviewed, and we work closely with local business to share ideas and help each other.
Initiatives to reduce our impact on the environment are led by our people, and we welcome their ideas for how we can improve. We have a committee of staff from across the firm to raise ideas and challenge the firm to constantly improve and innovate. The committee send out a regular newsletter to all staff with helpful hints and tips and to highlight different topics that may be of interest, as well as spearheading initiatives around the office to promote better environmental practices.
As part of our commitment to the environment, we have recently undertaken a survey to highlight where we can make even more changes to the way we work to reduce our impact.

Law firms traditionally use a lot of paper, but we are challenging that by being as “paper light” as possible. We only print where necessary and where we can’t avoid printing, we do it double-sided. We use electronic documents where we can and systems to allow electronic signature of documents.
We don't use disposable cups in the office, instead the firm provides glasses and mugs for use by staff and visitors, as well as encouraging staff bring their own water bottles. We also encourage staff to use local businesses that let them use their own mugs for hot drinks to save on waste.
The office is designed to save energy where possible and lights are on movement sensors so turn off when not needed.
We are cutting down the amount of waste we produce, by returning unwanted stationary items to be used by others who need them.
To increase the amount of waste we are recycling, we have food waste bins in our break out areas, and everything else is sorted and recycled. We have collection points for different types of recycling, including crisp packets and we are collecting milk bottle tops for recycling and to raise funds for Air Ambulance.