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Emma O'Connor


Are your people tired of the same old training routines? Do you want to inspire your managers with a “can do” approach to employee relations issues? Ever wondered whether employment law training would benefit your organisation? Emma O’Connor Director and Head of the HR Training Academy discusses how to reboot your organisation’s 2023 people training programme.

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People training whether it’s for your Board, people managers, HR teams or wider employee populations benefits your organisation.  Training raises awareness of legal and HR risks as well as assisting with compliance issues (legal training can also give certain defences in employment tribunal claims).  It can also engage your people and bring groups together. Training can save HR time, not only in having an external provider design and deliver training sessions, but also in upskilling your managers so that they have the confidence to be able to identify issues early.  Having a different “voice” – be it a qualified employment lawyer or a specialist HR trainer – can also have a greater impact as well as showing that your organisation takes people management issues seriously and has invested in training.

Recent training courses our training team have delivered have included:

  • EDI awareness training for senior leadership/Board level;
  • How to successfully manage the investigation process for managers;
  • Essential employment law training for managers – a 2/3 hour mini-masterclass, virtual session which covers the basic overview of the key legal people management issues/risks;
  • Pre-recorded wellbeing webinar focusing on stress awareness; and
  • Data protection webinar for employee population.

These courses, as well as all our courses, can be delivered as pre-recorded webinars, face to face or virtually in either mini-masterclasses or longer half/full day. We flex our sessions to suit knowledge, time, location and budget.


Shape up for 2023! 

Our training courses help your people set the goals they want to achieve for the year ahead and beyond so make training part of your organisation’s future success story! 

Ready, set… Go! Get in touch and see how training can transform your business. If you have any questions about training courses or workshops, please email Emma O’Connor [email protected] or check out our website for more details and courses.

Consistent with our policy when giving comment and advice on a non-specific basis, we cannot assume legal responsibility for the accuracy of any particular statement. In the case of specific problems we recommend that professional advice be sought.

Get in touch

If you have any questions relating to this article or have any employment matters you would like to discuss, please contact the Employment law team.

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