Court of Protection
The team works with families and other professionals including Case Managers, Accountants, Independent Financial Advisers and Architects to provide a ‘joined up’ approach for clients.
Ruth Meyer is a Partner at Boyes Turner’s and leads their highly regarded Court of Protection team.
Ruth advises on setting up and running all types of Court of Protection deputyships and trusts for children and adults but has a particular specialism in those who have suffered severe brain injury and disability from medical negligence or a personal injury which gives rise to a claim. Ruth works closely with Boyes Turner’s medical negligence, personal injury and education teams as well as teams representing the elderly.
Her outstanding service extends from giving expert witness evidence, to advising on statutory will and Gift applications to the Court of Protection.
Ruth has particular expertise in acting as a professional Deputy or Trustee for those unable to manage their own finances or who are particularly vulnerable. In this capacity Ruth provides a bespoke approach to the individual needs of each client, assisting families with specialist adaptations to the family home, purchasing adapted vehicles and working closely with architects, therapists and case managers and employing carers. She assists families in planning for the near and long-term future, by budgeting, anticipating and providing for change and submitting statutory wills where required.
Ruth combines her highly professional and astute management of her clients’ best interests with an approachable, down-to-earth and compassionate manner with her clients, many of whom regard her as a trusted family advisor and friend. Each client is seen as unique and as an individual upon which long lasting relationships are built.
Ruth is a full member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), The Association of Lifetime Lawyers and has received the Older Client Care in Practice (OCCP) Award accreditation, reflecting her specialist skills in advising and supporting older and vulnerable clients. She is a member of the Professional Deputies Forum (PDF).
Ruth is ranked as an expert in both Chambers and as a leading individual in the Legal 500. With more than 30 years of experience as an English solicitor she is also dual qualified New York attorney.
Ruth is often called upon to share her deputyship expertise by speaking at seminars or through podcasts.