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Paul is a partner in the firm’s Reading-based Wills, Trusts and Probate team and a notary public.

Since qualifying in 2002 he has specialised in the preparation of wills, including complex wills with a foreign element, trusts and trust administration, estate planning for high net worth individuals, probate and estate administration including complex estates and elderly client work.


Paul has significant expertise in probate and the administration of high value estates including land and business assets with values in excess of £20m. He advises on onshore trusts, their establishment, taxation and administration.

He advises on wills and estate planning for business owners.

He has a particular interest in advising families who have children with a physical and or learning disability. He can assist in the preparation of wills and the establishment of trusts where appropriate. He is a trustee of Promise Inclusion, a charity based in Bracknell providing support for individuals and their families who have a learning disability

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  • Elderly client services
  • Estate planning
  • Notary public services
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Probate
  • Trusts
  • Wills

Getting your Will started online

The simple way to work out your requirements and how we can help you.

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Getting started online with Probate

The simple way to work out your requirements and how we can help you.

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Recognition & achievements

The Legal 500 rated Paul as one of the South East’s 11 leading private client lawyers and said that his “experience inspires confidence”. He has a STEP Diploma for England & Wales and an ATT Certificate in Inheritance Tax, Trusts & Estates.

He has published a number of podcasts on our website which cover common issues in wills, trusts and probate in an easy to listen style.

Paul Lowery was an excellent solicitor from the start of my case. Paul took time for our intake call: never rushing or indicating any time pressure and walked me through the parameters of my case and set expectations for the future.

Legal 500


All individuals whom I worked with, inclusive of Paul Lowery and Sophie Martin, were highly capable, deeply versed in law, and understanding of each individual’s needs.

Legal 500


Paul has a fantastic way about him with clients and is able to ensure all clients understand even the most complex issues.



Paul is more open-minded than other lawyers and looks at the wider picture. He is willing to look at a client's overall situation and understand their limits.



Thank you also for all your hard work and that of your predecessors at Boyes Turner, over the past 18 years since this fund was put in place. The interactions with Boyes Turner have always been timely, considerate and professional

Boyes Turner Client